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Il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana għandu pjaċir iħabbar li ser jorganizza l-ħdax–il edizzjoni tal- Festival Nazzjonali tal-Logħob tan-Nar tal-Art Mekkanizzat fi Pjazza San Publju (il-Fosos) fil-Floriana, nhar is-Sibt 29 ta’ April, 2017.
Il-Kunsill Lokali Floriana jagħmel referenza għax-xandir riċenti dwar xogħlijiet li preżentement huma għaddejjin fiz-zona magħrufa dik ta’ Tritoni.
M’hemmx dubju li l-Floriana hija “Ġenna ta’ Ġonna” għax tipposjedi l-akbar numru ta’ ġonna pubbliċi f’Malta mxerrdin mal-konfini tagħha, iżda għandha wkoll ħafna aktar x’toffri. Wara s-suċċessi fi snin preċedenti, din is-sena se ssir għas-6 edizzjoni l-attivita’ ‘Ġenna ta’ Ġonna’.
In an effort to better inform the public we are issuing these guidelines to help identify the types of bags and the days assigned for the collection of every garbage type. Please read carefully and abide to the instructions provided.
Isle of MTV 2016 The 10th Edition of the Isle of MTV Malta will be held at The Granaries, Floriana on the 28th June 2016 from 18:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs with gates opening at 15:00 hrs. The free live music concert will this year feature the British singer-songwriter and Grammy award winner Jess Glynne, multi-platinum selling rapper Wiz Khalifa, the UK ground breaking electronic group Clean Bandit and electro-house, superstar DJ, Steve Aoki who will be closing this year’s Isle of MTV Malta 10th anniversary celebrations.
L-artist Luca Cauchi b’kollaborazzjoni mal-Kunsill Lokali tal-Floriana qed joffri lezzjonijiet tal-arti fi ħdan il-binja tal-Kunsill.
Methodist Church – Floriana
Further down from this side there is the famous Floriana’s lion, built by Grand Master Vilhena. This area leads to the other side of Floriana which houses the Capuchin Convent and chapel. In this area we find also the health centre. Down this area on the other side leading to Valletta two other gardens embellish the view. Between them a hospital was built, having an excellent view of the Grand Harbour whilst being surrounded with the Kalkara Gardens. This hospital was originally named King George V Merchant Seamen`s Memorial Hospital but nowadays is known as Sir Paul Boffa Hospital.
Currently this is the 7th legislature of the Council. The Floriana Local Council is entrusted with the administration regarding the daily life of the residents of Floriana.